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Get Full Fibre deals with up to £100 Reward Card when you redeem this plusnet offer.
Use this plusnet offer and get Unlimited Fibre Extra from £36.99 per month.
Activate this plusnet deal and get Unlimited broadband from £23.99 per Month.
Unlock this plusnet offer and get Unlimited Fibre Broadband from £29.99 per Month.
Grab Sim Only Deals from £6 per Month when you redeem this plusnet deal.
Get BT Sport from £15 per Month when you redeem this plusnet deal.
plusnet Savings Tips
All Plusnet broadband is now unlimited. So you can go online as much as you like without worrying about having to pay extra. However, they haven't always offered unlimited broadband, so if you signed up for Plusnet a while ago you might still have a limit on how much you can use. If you've got Broadband Your Way or Broadband PAYG, you can adjust your allowance.
When you get a new router, please don’t leave their old one in a cupboard to gather dust. There's life in their router yet, and they can help you return it to them for free. Their routers are provided on a loan basis, so it’s really important they’re returned to them when no longer needed. Just a gentle reminder, if you signed up after 1 Feb 2024, and you don’t return their router, you’ll be charged a £50 fee.
When you sign up with them, move home/office, or change your package, they'll give you an estimate of the speed you should be getting, in Megabits per second (Mbps). For example, they might say you could get '16 to 18Mbps'. Under normal circumstances the speed you get should fall within this range.
You can pay by Direct Debit, credit card or debit card.
During Easter Monday, Plusnet often introduces enticing offers tailored for both new and existing customers. You can anticipate discounts on broadband plans, bonus data promotions, or exclusive promo codes to upgrade your services. It's advisable to visit their website at closer to the date or sign up for their newsletter to catch early announcements of these special deals.
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