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Missguided Savings Tips
Sure! You can now return your online Missguided order in a few easy steps. You have 28 days to return your order from the date it’s delivered. Exclusions apply. If your item is faulty, incorrect or exceeds 10kg in weight then please contact their Customer Service team ahead of making a return.
In the event you change your mind, you can return an online item for a full refund only. They cannot exchange goods purchased online.
At Missguided they try and process all returns as quickly as possible for you to get your refund, but please give them 7 days to process your return. You should receive a confirmation email when this is done. After this, it may take up to another 7 days for the money to get back to your payment method, as this depends on the banks' processes. At certain times of the year, such as Christmas and public holidays, the processing time may be longer.
Frasers Plus is a credit product which enables you to split the cost of your order into monthly installments. You'll now see Frasers Plus as a payment option during checkout when you buy from Missguided online. So if you'd prefer to split the cost of your order you can select Frasers Plus to apply for an account during checkout.
They accept most well known payment methods: American, Express (AMEX), Apple Pay, Gift Cards, Maestro, Mastercard, VISA, VISA Debit and VISA Electron. The Payment Pages used on their site are secure - you can safely enter your card details to pay for your order.
Select the items you wish to purchase and proceed to the checkout as normal. When in the payment stage of checkout you will need to click ‘use Gift Card/eVoucher’ and follow the instructions. If you wish to apply another voucher to the same order please follow the above steps again.
Here are the steps to apply your voucher code or discount code to your order. 1. Add your item(s) for the discount to your bag. 2. Select "View your bag" to make sure you're happy with your item(s) and then select the "Secure Checkout" button. 3. Continue through the checkout process until you reach the payment page. 4. Under the list of payment options you will see an option to "Apply Promotional/Discount Code": Select this option, input your code and then select "Apply.” If successful, you will see a discount applied to your order on the right-hand side in the "Order Summary.”
During Easter Monday, Missguided often rolls out exclusive promo codes that can help you enjoy added discounts on your favorite fashion items. Keep an eye on their homepage or sign up for newsletters at to get the latest information on special Easter deals, promo codes, and time-sensitive offers to maximize your savings.
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