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With Expedia Rewards, the more you travel, the more perks you get, like lower prices and points you can use to pay for future bookings. Sounds great, right? To get started, go to Expedia Rewards and choose Join now for free.
Expedia Rewards members has 3 membership tiers: When you join Expedia Rewards, you'll automatically earn Blue tier status. Earn Silver status by collecting 10 Trip Elements in a calendar year. Earn Gold status by collecting 25 Trip Elements in a calendar year. If you're at the Silver or Gold status you may be able to snag great perks like free breakfast or spa credits depending on what's available.
Choose a hotel or holiday package, and follow the booking process to the payment page. Under How would you like to pay?, select Enter a voucher code. Enter your code and select Apply Voucher.
Members save 10% or more on over 100,000 hotels worldwide when they’re signed in.
Definitely there is! Save on select hotels and earn double points when you book on the app. Their app deals help you to save on trips so you can travel more and manage it all on the go.
Sure! Expedia currently have 271 openings in 20 countries. They're hiring in 19 offices + remote locations. Visit their Careers page to find out more.
Expedia UK typically features a variety of special offers and promo codes specifically for Easter Monday, allowing travelers to save on holiday packages, hotel bookings, and flights. To make the most of these deals, check the Expedia UK homepage or sign up for their newsletter to receive updates and exclusive discounts directly in your inbox during the Easter season.
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