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Sure! Key workers can benefit from exclusive discounts. Verify your employment to get your Castore key worker discount code that wil give you a 12% off sitewide.
Yes, please they do, after verifying your student status with Beans you will receive a 11% off on your entire order at Castore.
Discount codes are single use only and only one discount code can be used at a time. If this is a new code, please contact their concierge team before placing your order.
Good news is that Castore offers free shipping on all orders over £50.
Sure! You can buy a Castore gift card and please note it is an electronic gift card and the code will be emailed to you after purchase. The gift card prices range from £25 to £10.
Yes, Castore often rolls out exclusive promo codes and special discounts to kick-start the year. Check their website at closer to New Year's Day to access these special offers, which could help you save significantly on premium sportswear.
During Easter Monday, Castore typically offers a range of exclusive deals and promotions on their premium sportswear. Look out for special promo codes and discount offers on their website, especially for limited-time flash sales. To ensure you don't miss out, subscribe to the Castore newsletter or keep an eye on their homepage for the latest updates and savings opportunities.
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