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Activate this offer to Get €100 when your flight’s disrupted or €100 for a lost or delayed bag with AirHelp UK.
Use this offer to get up to £520 for your delayed or cancelled flight.
Redeem this AirHelp discount offer to get AirHelp+ membership plans from £2.92/month.
Activate this AirHelp discount offer to get up to £520 compensation per passenger, no matter the ticket price. No win, no fee!
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AirHelp UK Savings Tips
Sure! They want to share the sunshine. That’s why they’re offering you a €20 reward instead of €10 for every successful claim made by your friends. They’ve helped 2.2 million people get paid compensation and they want your friend to be next.
It’s easy! As soon as you sign up, you’ll receive your personalized link or QR code, and get ready-to-go messages you can share directly to Facebook, X, LinkedIn, or via email.
You can receive rewards for up to 50 friends using your referral link or code. If you want to share AirHelp with a larger audience, you should check out their Affiliate Program.
AirHelp+ is AirHelp’s membership program that helps passengers when they face flight disruptions. Members pay no fees when AirHelp secures their compensation. They also get a range of additional benefits.
AirPayout insurance: an extra €100 paid within hours of your flight problem. AirLuggage insurance: get €100 when your bag's lost or delayed. Airport lounge access when flights are canceled at the last minute or delayed. Instant 24/7 advice from their experts.
Yes, during New Year's Day, AirHelp UK often offers special promo codes to help travelers save on flight delay compensations and other related services. Be sure to visit their website at or sign up for their newsletter to receive timely notifications about these holiday deals and discounts, making your travel mishaps a bit lighter on your wallet.
Yes, during Easter Monday, AirHelp UK often offers special promo codes to help travelers save on flight delay and cancellation compensation services. Make sure to check their website at closer to the holiday for exclusive deals and offers that are specifically tailored for the Easter Monday period.
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